Written by David Nichtern
Three separate but synchronous conversations led me to recently explore the topic of contentment.
The first was with childhood friend and fellow musician, Christopher...
Written by David Nichtern
Boredom is an underrated experience in the modern world. The rate at which new information, new opportunities, new entertainment, new distractions are coming towards us is...
Written by David Nichtern
It seems that almost everyone I know feels that they are racing against time, even those of us who are meditation teachers! Our world is rich and diverse and there are so...
Written by David Nichtern
The practice of meditation allows us to look directly at who we are. It has a kind of naive quality to it in that we don’t assume anything. Buddhist practice is...
Written by David Nichtern
Some say we human beings are the custodians of this planet Earth. Many ancient traditions, both Asian and European, have held the view that the role of the leader includes...
Written by David Nichtern
In Buddhism, there is a lot of discussion about cultivating mindfulness and awareness. In a nutshell, mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to something, to hold...
Written by David Nichtern
The practice of cultivating loving-kindness (maitri in Sanskrit and metta in Pali) is a Buddhist approach toward opening one’s heart to others. It is very ancient,...
Written by David Nichtern
When I met my teacher, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, in 1971, I felt an overwhelming sense of connection. At the time I was attending the Berklee College of Music in Boston,...
by David Nichtern
I don’t know about you, but I’m the kind of person who likes to go right to the source. So when it comes to studying Buddhism, I want to get right to it- let’s...
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